Homebuilt Helicopter Rotorhead Plans
Forget the old looking exposed bearing type rotorheads commonly seen on Rotorway Scorpions and Exec plus the early Mosquito helicopters and all the AW95 or Choppy styled homebuilt helicopters. Now you can build your own up-to-date professional styles rotorhead just like the commercial helicopters.
Helicopter Rotorhead Drawings - For SINGLE SEAT Helicopters Only
This design incorporates all the necessary features of advanced rotor head designs with lead-lag adjustment along with coning angle adjustments to allow for accurate flight tracking set-up. The rotorhead requires precision engineering and shows all dimensions and materials but DOES NOT include a maintenance schedule. Drawings show oil fill hole for stacked thrust bearing lubrication. Recommended is standard Robinson R22 rotorhead spindle lubrication.

Important notes about these rotorhead drawings!
The helicopter rotorhead plans come as a downloadable eBook, NOT AS A PDF!
Plans are set to NOT be printable for copy protection
If you wish to build a rotor head assembly from these drawings, you will have to copy drawings by hand
All rotor head drawings in black and white presented as images in eBook format
The rotorhead construction eBook comes with encrypted viewing and refund protection
There is little dialogue contained, consisting mainly of working drawings for the rotorhead
Designed for a 1.25 inch diameter main rotor shaft (can be modified to 1.5 inch)
ALL DIMENSIONS in US imperial measurements for helicopter rotorhead drawings
Images can be viewed "FULL SCREEN" (up to 1280 pixels wide) though screen shot copying is disabled
Generally speaking, the rotorhead eBook WILL NOT WORK ON MAC without appropriate PC compatibility software
If you are not satisfied with these conditions, please DO NOT PURCHASE the rotor head plans THEN COMPLAIN
Purchases of the rotor head drawings are handled automatically, contact us should you have problems
Printing priviledges HAVE BEEN REMOVED so you CANNOT print out the rotorhead drawing content
We DO NOT offer ANY technical support for the helicopter rotorhead or the construction drawings
These actions have been put in place to avoid unauthorised reproduction and sharing of the rotor head plans

Contains 17 pages for the construction of a single seat light helicopter rotor head assembly. The rotorhead plans contain machining drawings and dimensions, assembly perspectives along with parts list and material requirements.

Advanced machining is required to construct the rotorhead so this would not generally be considered a home project unless you have your own CNC type equipment. The design of this particular rotorhead is based on a light weight single seat helicopter, NOT for use on heavier two seat helicopters. No specific information is provided as per the operating parameters or operating restrictions.
ONLY $29.95
Please note: This is in eBook format, NOT PDF and not printable. You will be redirected to a confirmation page (Redback Aviation) after payment where you will recieve your ACCESS PIN.
DISCLAIMER: You/the purchaser/the recipiant of these rotorhead drawings will assume all risk and legal responsibility for any construction and use of the rotorhead. If you do not agree with these terms, it is your responsibility to not purchase these drawings. The rotorhead drawings are presented for educational purposes only.